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Colombia, Tolima
Varietal : Cutarra, Castillo
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1,700 masl

Milk Chocolate, dried fruit, cranberry, nougat

This coffee comes from a group of farmers who are devoted to organic practices. The coffee cherries were depulped, washed and hand sorted before undergoing a 60 hour anaerobic fermentation. The beans were then washed a second time before starting an 8 day drying process in the sun. The producers are all from Planadas and Neiva in Tolima. Tolima, although very famous in the coffee industry for producing high quality coffees is famous world wide, particularly in the Americas, for another reason. On August 7th, 1819 Simón Bolívar led an army comprised of Venezuelans New Granadians to a battle against the Spanish Royalist army led by José María Barreiro and Francisco Jiménez who would both be captured by the end of the fight. This is widely seen as a pivotal moment for the independence movement in Colombia, and a catalyst for hope and change across the continent.