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Brazil, Minas Gerais - DECAF
Varietal: Catuai, Mundo Novo
Process: Natural, DECAF
Altitude: 900 masl

Big Body, low acidity, notes of hazelnut and milk chocolate

This coffee is made by various farmers in the Minas Gerais region. The coffee is sorted by size and quality before being decaffeinated. This particular coffee was decaffeinated by using the Ethyl acetate or sugar cane process. Ethyl Acetate is a byproduct of sugar cane production which is isolated and used as a solvent to bond with and remove caffeine from green coffee. First, the coffee is sorted and steamed for 30 minutes under low pressure in order to open the coffee seeds' pores and prepare them for decaffeination. Then the green beans are soaked and washed in an ethyl acetate solution, which attracts and removes the caffeine. The coffee is then steamed, which removes the EA. After drying the beans, a final quality control determines whether the coffee is ready for roasting.