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Indonesia, Sumatra
Varietal: Andung Sari, Sigarar Utang
Process: Honey, Anaerobic
Altitude: 1,400 - 1,700 masl

Cherry, Papaya, Passion fruit, Sweet Honey

This coffee comes from a co-operatvie servicing 320 small hold farmers on a plateau on the foot of f Mount Kerinci. Kerinci is one of 452 volcanos that make up the famous Ring of fire which are still very much active. The history of eruptions around Mount Kerinci have gifted the local farmers with fertile organic soil ideal for coffee production. The coop which founded in 2017, is managed by Triyono, who leads members in processing and roasting their own coffee. They have a fully outfitted roasting facility, including a cupping lab, next to the dry mill. The average farm size in Sumatra is small. This means although coffee is the income for these producers they intercrop with fruit and vegetables for their family who are also the ones who pick the cherry when ripe. The small scale of production means that most of these producers also work as labourers on the tea plantations during the off season.